Since I was unable to send out the email containing all of these links, I’m going to include them here on the survey page and also on the private Facebook page so everyone will have access to them. The survey itself is at the bottom of this page.
Here are the links to various items that were discussed throughout the weekend, at least as far as I can remember. If I forgot something, please let me know and I’ll send it out to the group. So here are the following links to the various events, associations, groups, etc. that were discussed:
First up, the missing reel from the tune book can be accessed by clicking this link.
Montana Pipers Society public Facebook Group – This is used for general announcements and event promotion and anyone can view or follow the page.
Montana Pipers Society private Facebook Group – This is a closed group and is limited to people who have direct involvement in piping and drumming in and around Montana, and can be used to share event details, pictures, video, or just general communication among the members. New requests to join have to be approved.
The Celtic Arts Foundation holds the Mastery of Scottish Arts concert and Winter School in Seabeck, WA, each February, and as discussed, they have scholarships available to help offset the cost of the school. The application deadline to the scholarship application has been extended to November 6, 2017, so please click on this link for more information on how to apply.
Also as discussed, the Saskatchewan Pipeband Association is the solo and band grading association that covers Montana. Any pipers who are planning to compete in solo competitions next year should register with the SPBA in order to meet the requirement of most games that each competitor be a member of a recognized association. The deadline to submit your application for 2018 is December 1, 2017, but they will accept late registrations, you just might not have your competitor number assigned in a timely fashion after that date. Current membership cost is $12.00 Canadian, and the application can be completed on line by clicking on this link.
There is no requirement that I’m aware of that requires you to join the association covering your state of residence, so if you are interested in one of the other associations for some reason you can look into them at the following links:
BC Pipers’ Association – Covers competitions in British Columbia, Washington, Oregon, and parts of Idaho – Membership is $45 (CAD) a year – Due October 1st.
Alberta society of pipers and drummers (they seem to be having some issues with their website at the moment, but should have it fixed shortly) – Covers competitions in Alberta – Membership is $25 (CAD) – Due December 31st
Western United States Pipe Band Assocation – Covers competitions in California, Arizona, Nevada, Utah, Wyoming, and Southern Idaho – Membership is $25 a year due December 31st